What’s Poppin Penny?

What’s Poppin Penny?

'What's Poppin' Penny?' is a high-quality, entertaining, educational show crafted to give 3-5-year-olds and their caregivers developmentally appropriate tools for working through complex emotions.

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Toni is currently writing and producing a children’s podcast show called ‘What's Poppin' Penny?’ which she developed as a cohort in the highly coveted Spotify Sound-Up Kids and Family acceleration program.

Toni Kennedy has an extensive background as an early childhood educator and children's media creator, including performing as an educational entertainer for young children in preschool classrooms as Miss Toni for over twelve years. You can find her 18 original preschool songs by streaming her album, ‘Miss Toni & the Macaroni Band, on all music platforms. 

Toni creates with one principle in mind: Child development is human development; she has a genuine respect and affinity for families and the sanctity of childhood.

How did your podcast come to be?

I had the honor of being selected as a finalist for Spotify's SoundUp Kids and Family podcast accelerator program in 2022. Through this program, I received valuable support and feedback while creating my show "What's Poppin" Penny?" which centers around a loving and supportive family that models healthy emotional regulation. The concept for Penny and her family was born out of my own desire as a child for a show that could help me navigate my emotions and normalize big feelings. It's a show that I wish had been available when I was growing up.

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The concept for Penny and her family was born out of my own desire as a child for a show that could help me navigate my emotions and normalize big feelings.

Which episode is your favorite?

I'm currently writing an episode for my show, whose tagline is "When your past is just your beginning... Your ancestor's gifts can always find you." The episode follows the genealogy of Penny's teddy bear, T.A., beginning in West Africa over 100 years ago and tracing his journey through generations of his family across oceans and time to his present-day home with Penny in the big city. As someone who knows a lot about my own family tree, I hope this episode inspires children and their families to explore their own family history.

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What advice do you have for prospective podcasters or Sound Up alumni?

Collaboration is key! Writing may seem like a solitary activity, but the real magic happens when you work with others. Start by finding someone you can bounce ideas off of, and aim to get feedback on your script from at least five different people. I personally send my iterations to five different people before recording with my actors. Don't hesitate to leverage your connections on LinkedIn and Instagram, as these individuals likely share your goals and values. Remember, you have a supportive pool of people rooting for you, so don't be afraid to dive in!

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